People are starting to talk.

  • Bedell aims to open Honey’s Fried Chicken Palace by April 1 at 153 New County Road in Thomaston, in the former home of China Fortune. He said the former tenants left the building “in quite a state of disrepair,” and that his crew has worked on electrical, plumbing and cosmetic overhauls for the last two months.

  • A fried chicken sandwich restaurant, an expansion of a current Tenants Harbor eatery, is being planned for the former China Fortune restaurant location at 153 New County Road in Thomaston.

    Tenants Harbor Restaurant Expands to Thomaston, Courier Gazette, November 2023

  • "We set an initial goal of $50,000 for this, and we met that goal in less than 72 hours,” Bedell said. “So that speaks to me about the passion within my community that people have for this idea, their faith in me as a cook and entrepreneur, and their confidence in our ability to get this off the ground."

    The Wrap, Portland Press Herald, October 2023